Welcome to the Church of the Annunciation Website

"Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."

It is impossible to imagine an Orthodox church in which candles are not lit.” (Blessed Simeon of Thessalonica, 15th Century) 

One of the first things most people do upon entering an Orthodox Church is to light their candle and offer prayers for one’s personal needs or that of a family member or friend, we also light candles to pray for protection and safety so that we may live this life without fear. If you would like to light a candle please click the image above and follow all instructions. We look forward to praying with you and your family.



Enjoying Summer Vacation - Summer Sermon

Click the Image Below to Read the Reflection by Fr. Andrew

Services Schedule

Sunday Service (year round)

Orthros 8:15am (morning prayer), Liturgy 9:30am

Please refer to the Parish Calendar for information about weekday, holiday and special services. 



Holy Pentecost - Exploring the Feasts of the Orthodox Christian Church